Roope Koski

Design Editor & UX Consultant
Roope is a Finnish website developer, computer programmer, audio engineer, and long-term Buddhist practitioner. As Design Editor, Roope works closely with editors to design and update publications. As UX Consultant, he carries out user-experience research and gives expert UX advice for our reading room. He brings to the role his information technology prowess, as well as his specialist UX research and design skills.

Roope started studying and practicing the Dharma in Finland in1991. Soon afterwards he founded Dharmakustannus, a Finnish Dharma publishing company which he translated for and directed over ten years.  He also directed a web-design company called Daka, which created websites for local companies, and then moved on to working for an international web-shop for art in 1997. 

In 2004, after some incredible teachings on buddhanature by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in Chanteloube, he settled in France and did retreats for eight years, finishing with a traditional three-year retreat in 2008–2012.  Since then, Roope has been testing and designing digital user experiences through his company, Usability Test.  

Roope lives in the Dordogne with his Mongolian partner and their daughter, and is delighted to have this rare opportunity to be able to work for Khyentse Vision Project.